A fully automatable, cloud-based thermal cycler with independent well control.
The MultiTherm™ 96 is a cloud-based thermal cycling platform designed to provide independent thermal control of each well so that up to 96 different protocols can be run in parallel. With this functionality comes the ability to simulataneously monitor and record the real time temperature of each well. Program the device with our easy to use web application and integrate with existing automation or LIMS systems using our API to quickly optimize your PCR worklfow and improve the throughput of your lab.
MultiTherm™ 96 takes the place of multiple instruments and supports collaboration so that a team of scientists can run multiple protocols in parallel. The device can be integrated with liquid handling automation to further improve throughput and reduce labor.
Our platform stores process data so results can be optimized for future runs. Trial and error can be reduced through machine learning and other analyses to help accelerate advances in scientific and medical discovery.
The MultiTherm™ is the only thermal cycler in the world that allows up to a 98°C difference between adjacent wells during operation.
Each well has its own built-in heating, cooling and sensing — effectively its own independent instrument.
Parallel Execution of PCR Protocols
Run multiple protocols simultaneously, allowing all desired temperatures and times in one run
Increase the throughput of your experiments by running complicated workflows like design of experiments, in one instrument, in one pass
Seamlessly integrate the MultiTherm into your overall workflow for optimized PCR protocols.
Remote operation by API and robotic loading help automate workflows and increase throughput. Integrate LIMs and bioinformatic pipelines to ensure your optimal conditions are applied to each sample.
Check out the MultiTherm™ 96 specifications here

© 2020 DeepDiveBio, Inc.